St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Lovingly we Learn in Harmony

Sport Premium Funding

The Background

In April 2013, the Government announced new funding of £150 million for physical education (PE) and sport. This funding should be used to improve the quality and breadth of PE and sport provision. This funding is being jointly provided by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport, and will see money going directly to schools to be spent on improving the quality of sport and PE for all their children.

This funding is ring-fenced and we will be held accountable for how we have used the additional funding to support pupils progress and participation in PE and school sport.

How we used our Sport Premium money in 2024 - 2025? 

In 2024 - 2025 academic year we spent Sports Premium Funding on:

  • Increase the engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity.
  • Raise the profile of PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole-school improvement.
  • Increase confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport.
  • Broaden the experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils.
  • Increase participation in competitive sport. 

Please take a look at the proposed spending of the PE finding for 2023/2024...


Sports Premium Funding 2024 - 2025


How did we use Sport Premium money in 2023 - 2024? 

In 2023 - 2024 academic year we used the Sports Premium Funding to:

  • Increase the engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity.
  • Raise the profile of PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole-school improvement.
  • Increase confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport.
  • Broaden the experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils.
  • Increase participation in competitive sport. 

Please take a look at the spending of the PE finding for 2023/2024...


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How did we use Sport Premium money in 2022 - 2023? 

In 2022 - 2023 academic year we used our PE funding to: 

  • Carry on annual PE equipment audit in order for new equipment to be purchased when necessary.
  • Employ qualified sports coaches to work alongside staff for delivery of PE lessons and work closely with staff to enable them to feel more confident with their own PE delivery. 
  • Continue to run after school activities relative to sport including introduction of Girls Football sessions. 
  • Enter school competitions in the local area when possible. 
  • Fund outdoor pursuits such as guided walks for all children and canoeing for Year 2, 4 and 6 children. 

How did we use our Sport Premium money in 2021 - 2022? 

In 2021 - 2022 academic year we used our PE funding to:

  • Carry on annual PE equipment audit in order for new equipment to be purchased when necessary.
  • Employ qualified sports coaches to work alongside staff for delivery of PE lessons
  • Continue to run after school activities relative to sport
  • Enter school competitions in the local area
  • Fund outdoor pursuits such as guided walks and canoeing for Year 2, 4 and 6 children
  • Purchase fixed football and netball goals for the junior playground. 

How did we use our Sport Premium money in 2020-2021?

In 2020 - 21 academic year we used our PE funding to: 

  • Carry on annual PE equipment audit in order for new equipment to be purchased when necessary
  • Increase the range of sports on offer to offer to try and encourage less active pupils to develop a healthy lifestyle i.e. yoga, team building, orienteering and boccia. 
  • Purchase new playground equipment for Infants playground to ensure children from Early Years have access to active and fun break times
  • Develop leadership opportunities for students in KS2, including buying of specific equipment to aid their development in this area. 
  • Employ qualified sports coaches to work alongside staff for short PE modules
  • Purchase a new running track for children to run daily miles and use as free provision at break times. 
  • Purchase an outdoor gym to encourage active lives and use at break times.  

How did we use our Sport Premium money in 2018-19?

In 2018-19 academic year we used our funding to: 

  • Carry on annual PE equipment audit in order for new equipment to be purchased when necessary
  • Increase the range of sports on offer to offer to try and encourage less active pupils to develop a healthy lifestyle i.e. yoga, teambuilding and orienteering
  • Purchase new playground equipment for Infants playground to ensure children from Early Years have access to active and fun break times
  • Develop leadership opportunities for students in KS2, including buying of specific ‘sports leader’ kit and training opportunities led by the PE specialist
  • Employ qualified sports coaches to work alongside staff for short PE modules




Sports Premium Evaluation Document 2017 - 18


How did St Mary's utilise Sport Premium funding in 2016/17 academic year?

Qualified sports coaches worked alongside staff for short PE modules eg cricket, tennis, athletics, table tennis to provide the professional development of staff at our school so they could be best equipped to teach high quality Physical Education and school sport for years to come. As a result of it, our children were more successful at cluster competitions. Using Sport Premium funding to pay for table tennis morning club enabled more children to participate in the activity as it has been paid for.  In total, the school spent £1072 to pay for qualified coaches.


In 2016-17 academic year the school did equipment audit and purchased equipment to ensure all sports are taught to a high standard. Purchasing the extra equipment enabled the school to host some of cluster competitions and friendly matches on school's premises such as football, netball and cricket. In total, the school spent £896, 73 to pay for sports equipment.  


Our school gives opportunities to all children regardless of their abilities to compete in a wider range of sport, activities and competitions. Some competitions take place outside Ulverston cluster therefore it was essential to provide transport to get children to events and competitions. We used some of our Sport Premium money to pay for transport. In total, the school spent £759 on transport.


 How did St Mary’s utilise the Sport Premium funding in 2014/15 and 2015/16 academic years?    

All children benefited regardless of sporting ability.

All children have been given the opportunity to compete with other schools.

Qualified sports coaches worked alongside staff for short PE modules eg cricket, golf, gymnastics, tennis to provide the professional development of staff at our school so they could be best equipped to teach high quality Physical Education and school sport for years to come.

We work in partnership with local primary schools and Ulverston Victoria High School and in Summer term 2015 St Mary’s have employed (through UVHS) an experienced P.E. teacher to work alongside with our Sports Coordinator.

Began to support and engage the least active children through new or additional sports clubs during or after the school day such as Change4Life

Encouraged our children to improve their leadership skills through sport such as the play leader initiative and leading Change4Life club.

Began to develop intra and inter school competitions.

Some additional equipment has been purchased in order to improve the quality of curriculum and extra-curriculum activities.