We offer 12 sports in school, including Swimming.
We run intra school competitions and take part in inter school Level 2 competitions. (6 aside Football, Cross country, Sports Hall Athletics, Swimming Gala, Mini Red Tennis, Key Steps 1 and 2 Gymnastics, Tag Rugby)
We provide opportunities for SEND and least active pupils.
We take part in the daily mile challenge.
We take part in the Active Cumbria 100 mile challenge.
We provide PE lessons delivered by specialised sports coaches who work with teachers and the PE coordinator to improve the teaching of PE and the assessment and tracking of attainment pupils in the subject.
We deliver ongoing monthly outdoor learning days, increasing the number of active lessons in within our curriculum.
PE Provision Around Our School
Here at St-Mary's we believe that for children's physical health and well being to flourish, and to increase participation and enjoyment of physical activity, they must be able to freely access sports equipment and provision during play times. We currently have great outdoor provision in both the infant and junior playgrounds that children can access daily. We have recently purchased a new running track that the children use throughout the day to complete their daily miles and during after school running club.
Sports Coaches
The specialised coaching that all children in KS1 and KS2 receive at St - Mary's includes...
Yoga - focusing on relaxation, stretching and mindfulness techniques.
Cricket coached by Cumbria Cricket.
Football and Multi Skills coached by Barrow AFC.
Hockey coaching from HP Activities
Dance lessons from Limitless Dance
Tennis lessons from Tennis Coach, Gary Weatherburn.
Swimming lessons from coaches at Ulverston Leisure Centre.
Promoting active lives within our school
Here at St-Mary's we encourage children to live very active lives by taking part in the daily mile run. We also welcome and encourage active travel to school. Children are able to safely park bikes and scooters in the playground and enjoy having a choice to actively travel to and from school. We often use sport for different fund raising events to raise money for the improvement of our school. Events that have taken place over the past year include sponsored Santa Dash, Cycle Cross and Summer Fun Run.
Our Sporting Achievements
PE During Lockdown
Throughout lockdown we have...
Delivered weekly PE home learning via remote lessons from coaches at HP Activities and Barrow AFC.
Took part in the SGO virtual home PE challenges and Joe Wicks PE.
St Mary’s is proud to be awarded with Sainsbury’s School Games Gold Mark. Our school has worked very hard to get this award throughout 2017-18 academic year. We were busy entering many competitions in the Ulverston and Furness Cluster and, sometimes, entered more than one team into one competition. We also organised a small rounders competition between three local schools which was played at St Mary’s School. St Mary’s Annual Cricket Day was another exciting event that our school organised in the partnership with Cumbria Cricket and local cricket clubs. The weather wasn’t brilliant but we all had a super time playing fun cricket games and even our younger KS 1 children learned some fundamental cricket skills taught by Bob from Cumbria Cricket.
Although we enjoy the competitive element of Sport and love competing in various competitions, in our school we strongly believe that honesty, teamwork, respect, self – belief, passion and determination is the most important quality of a successful sportsman.
We will carry on working hard and enjoying sporting events this year and hope to upgrade our gold award to platinum in the near future. Thank you to all parents and staff at St Mary’s for your support.
We offer 12 sports in school, including Swimming.
We run intra school competitions and take part in inter school Level 2 competitions. (6 aside Football, Cross country, Sports Hall Athletics, Swimming Gala, Mini Red Tennis, Key Steps 1 and 2 Gymnastics, Tag Rugby)
We provide opportunities for SEND and least active pupils.
We take part in the daily mile challenge.
We take part in the Active Cumbria 100 mile challenge.
We provide PE lessons delivered by specialised sports coaches who work with teachers and the PE coordinator to improve the teaching of PE and the assessment and tracking of attainment pupils in the subject.
We deliver ongoing monthly outdoor learning days, increasing the number of active lessons in within our curriculum.
PE Provision Around Our School
Here at St-Mary's we believe that for children's physical health and well being to flourish, and to increase participation and enjoyment of physical activity, they must be able to freely access sports equipment and provision during play times. We currently have great outdoor provision in both the infant and junior playgrounds that children can access daily. We have recently purchased a new running track that the children use throughout the day to complete their daily miles and during after school running club.
Sports Coaches
The specialised coaching that all children in KS1 and KS2 receive at St - Mary's includes...
Yoga - focusing on relaxation, stretching and mindfulness techniques.
Cricket coached by Cumbria Cricket.
Football and Multi Skills coached by Barrow AFC.
Hockey coaching from HP Activities
Dance lessons from Limitless Dance
Tennis lessons from Tennis Coach, Gary Weatherburn.
Swimming lessons from coaches at Ulverston Leisure Centre.
Promoting active lives within our school
Here at St-Mary's we encourage children to live very active lives by taking part in the daily mile run. We also welcome and encourage active travel to school. Children are able to safely park bikes and scooters in the playground and enjoy having a choice to actively travel to and from school. We often use sport for different fund raising events to raise money for the improvement of our school. Events that have taken place over the past year include sponsored Santa Dash, Cycle Cross and Summer Fun Run.
Our Sporting Achievements
PE During Lockdown
Throughout lockdown we have...
Delivered weekly PE home learning via remote lessons from coaches at HP Activities and Barrow AFC.
Took part in the SGO virtual home PE challenges and Joe Wicks PE.
St Mary’s is proud to be awarded with Sainsbury’s School Games Gold Mark. Our school has worked very hard to get this award throughout 2017-18 academic year. We were busy entering many competitions in the Ulverston and Furness Cluster and, sometimes, entered more than one team into one competition. We also organised a small rounders competition between three local schools which was played at St Mary’s School. St Mary’s Annual Cricket Day was another exciting event that our school organised in the partnership with Cumbria Cricket and local cricket clubs. The weather wasn’t brilliant but we all had a super time playing fun cricket games and even our younger KS 1 children learned some fundamental cricket skills taught by Bob from Cumbria Cricket.
Although we enjoy the competitive element of Sport and love competing in various competitions, in our school we strongly believe that honesty, teamwork, respect, self – belief, passion and determination is the most important quality of a successful sportsman.
We will carry on working hard and enjoying sporting events this year and hope to upgrade our gold award to platinum in the near future. Thank you to all parents and staff at St Mary’s for your support.
We offer 12 sports in school, including Swimming.
We run intra school competitions and take part in inter school Level 2 competitions. (6 aside Football, Cross country, Sports Hall Athletics, Swimming Gala, Mini Red Tennis, Key Steps 1 and 2 Gymnastics, Tag Rugby)
We provide opportunities for SEND and least active pupils.
We take part in the daily mile challenge.
We take part in the Active Cumbria 100 mile challenge.
We provide PE lessons delivered by specialised sports coaches who work with teachers and the PE coordinator to improve the teaching of PE and the assessment and tracking of attainment pupils in the subject.
We deliver ongoing monthly outdoor learning days, increasing the number of active lessons in within our curriculum.
PE Provision Around Our School
Here at St-Mary's we believe that for children's physical health and well being to flourish, and to increase participation and enjoyment of physical activity, they must be able to freely access sports equipment and provision during play times. We currently have great outdoor provision in both the infant and junior playgrounds that children can access daily. We have recently purchased a new running track that the children use throughout the day to complete their daily miles and during after school running club.
Sports Coaches
The specialised coaching that all children in KS1 and KS2 receive at St - Mary's includes...
Yoga - focusing on relaxation, stretching and mindfulness techniques.
Cricket coached by Cumbria Cricket.
Football and Multi Skills coached by Barrow AFC.
Hockey coaching from HP Activities
Dance lessons from Limitless Dance
Tennis lessons from Tennis Coach, Gary Weatherburn.
Swimming lessons from coaches at Ulverston Leisure Centre.
Promoting active lives within our school
Here at St-Mary's we encourage children to live very active lives by taking part in the daily mile run. We also welcome and encourage active travel to school. Children are able to safely park bikes and scooters in the playground and enjoy having a choice to actively travel to and from school. We often use sport for different fund raising events to raise money for the improvement of our school. Events that have taken place over the past year include sponsored Santa Dash, Cycle Cross and Summer Fun Run.
Our Sporting Achievements
PE During Lockdown
Throughout lockdown we have...
Delivered weekly PE home learning via remote lessons from coaches at HP Activities and Barrow AFC.
Took part in the SGO virtual home PE challenges and Joe Wicks PE.
St Mary’s is proud to be awarded with Sainsbury’s School Games Gold Mark. Our school has worked very hard to get this award throughout 2017-18 academic year. We were busy entering many competitions in the Ulverston and Furness Cluster and, sometimes, entered more than one team into one competition. We also organised a small rounders competition between three local schools which was played at St Mary’s School. St Mary’s Annual Cricket Day was another exciting event that our school organised in the partnership with Cumbria Cricket and local cricket clubs. The weather wasn’t brilliant but we all had a super time playing fun cricket games and even our younger KS 1 children learned some fundamental cricket skills taught by Bob from Cumbria Cricket.
Although we enjoy the competitive element of Sport and love competing in various competitions, in our school we strongly believe that honesty, teamwork, respect, self – belief, passion and determination is the most important quality of a successful sportsman.
We will carry on working hard and enjoying sporting events this year and hope to upgrade our gold award to platinum in the near future. Thank you to all parents and staff at St Mary’s for your support.