St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Lovingly we Learn in Harmony

Mission Statement

As part of God's family, with Christ at our Heart, Our Lady of Furness Catholic Federation aims to deliver a curriculum that excites, empowers and includes everyone and emphasises their dignity as a child of God.



 Aims of our Schools:


  • To sustain the Catholic life of the school, through religious teaching, through experiences of prayer and worship and through the Gospel values that permeate the school.
  • To promote the well-being of our school family.
  • To provide children with courage and resilience in all that they do, ready for their future.
  • To foster self-confidence and to motivate our  children to take pride and pleasure in their work.
  • To celebrate and reward successes in all areas of our children’s development.

Our priorities are:

  1. Develop our outdoor opportunities.
  2. Develop even stronger relationships with parents and pupils.
  3. Intensify our commitment to valuing each and every person in our school community and the wider world.