St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Lovingly we Learn in Harmony



Everybody at Our Lady of Furness Catholic Federation celebrates each individual. We are passionate about providing opportunities for all and we value each child's gifts and talents.

We are an inclusive school and we strive to deliver a curriculum that is accessible to all. Our staff are highly skilled and we provide structured teaching that is tailored to individuals, especially our children with additional needs.

in our schools we offer a broad and balanced curriculum where we strive for excellence and have the highest commitment to supporting, challenging and nurturing all children in school through quality first teaching.

We use a graduated approach to removing barriers to learning that children may experience. This will be initiated with the class teacher and supported by the SENCO and Headteacher. We work with outside agencies and parents to ensure we provide the best provision for each individual.


The SENDCo at St Mary's is:  Mrs A Field

The SENDCo at Our Lady's is : Mrs V Code


Our school is fully aware of the importance of mental health and wellbeing.  Our focus in school is to nurture each child and ensure that wellbeing is a primary goal and is a thread through our Catholic ethos. 



Matthew, ' But Jesus looked at them and said to them, 'with men this is impossible, but with God ALL THINGS are possible.'


SENDS Policies