Catholic Life
The Catholic Life of our school is rich in opportunities for the children to encounter God and work with our community. The Gospel Values are a golden thread throughout the school and in all that we do. Through RE displays, dedicated prayer and liturgy areas in all classrooms, outdoor opportunities to connect with God in our outdoor areas, and through regular teacher and pupil-led liturgy, Catholic life is engrained in our school and learning.
Our Mission Statement
As part of God's family, with Christ at our Heart, Our Lady of Furness Catholic Federation aims to deliver a curriculum that excites, empowers and includes everyone and emphasises their dignity as a child of God.
Our Gospel Values
Here are our wonderful children using BSL to sign the Hail Mary prayer as part of our Marian Procession.
Thank you to for allowing us to use the music ‘Hail Mary’ by Mike Stanley.
During the month of May, our thoughts and prayers are focussed on Mary, the mother of Jesus and of us all. During our Collective Worship, we pray a decade of the Rosary together and thank Mary for her love and dedication to us all. During the last week in May, we hold our traditional Marian Procession where we crown Mary with flowers grown at school and listen to readings from the Bible about Mary, lovingly prepared by our oldest children. We also sing traditional Marian hymns as we process.
We celebrated our first RE day on October 8th which is the Feast Day of Our Lady of the Rosary. Each class spent the day honouring Mary in prayer and reflection and spending time praying the rosary. The children in Key Stage Two made their own personal set of Rosary beads that they will keep in school and use throughout the year. The younger children in our school made prayer cards, made flowers for their own Mums and wrote thank you prayers.