Our Lady Of Furness Catholic Federation

Our Lady Of Furness Catholic Federation

Lovingly we Learn in Harmony

  1. St Mary's Catholic Primary School
  2. Pupil Voice

Pupil Voice 

Here at St Mary’s we value the views and ideas of our wonderful pupils. We want to empower them to make good choices, use their creativity and imagination to approach tasks and take a role in the decision-making for our school. 

Here are some of the ways in which we champion Pupil Voice in our school:


  • We have  an Eco-Committee, The Co-Creators,  who also act as a school council. The committee meet once a week and work towards the goals on their action plan to make our school and community a more environmentally friendly and better place;
  • We have a suggestions box in our hall so that children can communicate their ideas to the committee;
  • Every term, each class teacher delivers a ‘Pupil Choice’ lesson which is guided by what the children want to learn about ;
  • We carry out peer-marking and evaluation tasks in English lessons and during our Key Speaker presentations;
  • We hold design competitions for children to share their ideas with the staff. Our most recent example is our ‘ Bird House’ design, which has now been created and stands proudly near our Bird Hide;
  • We carry out pupil-questionnaires about the children’s experience in school;
  • Each term, every subject leader will lead a focus group with a number of pupils from all year groups. The children are asked their views about the subject and discuss their prior knowledge and what they would like to see more of;
  • Our circle time and prayer and liturgy allows children to speak their views and have a chance to reflect on their thoughts, with Christ in mind.