Our Lady Of Furness Catholic Federation

Our Lady Of Furness Catholic Federation

Lovingly we Learn in Harmony

  1. St Mary's Catholic Primary School


WELCOME and Thank you for visiting  St Mary's  School website

St Mary's  is a small Nursery and Primary School in the centre of the  historical  town of Ulverston, South Cumbria. We currently have 133 pupils on roll. We have an admissions number of 15 pupils and have been over subscribed for the last 3 years.  We are well resourced and privileged to have such wonderful children, staff and school grounds.  As of January 2023 we we re delighted to became part of the Mater Christi Trust.

We are a very welcoming school with an Open Door Policy so parents can come and discuss any needs or concerns as soon as possible.  Our  Staff are very dedicated and have excellent working relationships with parents. We are exceedingly proud of our school team. Our Ofsted Inspection in 2016  agreed with us - 'At the heart of the work of the school is an ethos of strong teamwork'.

Our 2021 RE Inspection Report (Section 48)  acknowledged that - 'St Mary's is an outstanding school. The Catholic
ethos and mission are truly at the heart of everything that the school does. There is an overwhelming sense of family and community in the school.' 

We were graded outstanding in all areas.

The Pupils, Staff and  Federation Governors are all very proud of our School and we strive to ensure that St Mary's School provides  a happy, caring  environment where everyone works hard and achieves their best.  Our aim is to give our Pupils the skills to become life long learners so that they can become exemplary citizens of the future.

Here at St Mary's School  we offer many exciting and creative learning opportunities, including Forest Schools. Our  School curriculum is excellent because it is creative and imaginative.  Our whole School planning incorporates every opportunity to include  local community events and provide our pupils with a sense of belonging - 'Respect and tolerance run as a golden thread in every classroom' -  Ofsted.

 We provide an extensive range of extra-curricular activities throughout the year including Basket Ball, Cricket, Football, Choir, Dance, Gardening, Running, Gymnastics, Art, Coding, Nature, Netball to name a few.  

 We understand that deciding the right school for your child is an extremely important and often difficult decision.  We believe the best way to understand what St Mary's  School would  provide for you and your child is to come and visit our School.  We would be delighted to show you around.  Please arrange a visit to see what we have to offer.

Please call in or ring to make an appointment for a visit on 01229 583449 where you can speak to one of our administrators, Ms Henderson or Mrs Rhodes.  Alternatively, the office email is admin@st-marys.cumbria.sch.uk

Please explore our  website further to find out more about St Mary's  School and our Federation.

Our Address is:

St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Springfield Road



LA12 0EA

01229 583449


Read our most recent Ofsted report (8th January 2020) here 





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COVID 19 Information

RE at St Mary's


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